Our Customers are our priority...
Policy on Re-run of Sequencing Reactions:
Sometimes one or more sequencing reactions will fail and may need to be re-run to complete a specific project. There are two major causes of failures:
1. Failures in our operation, such as:
- instrumentation or computer failures
- errors with sample setup and processing
2. Failures attributed to customer samples, such as:
- non-optimal amount of DNA, primer or both
- template DNAs excessively contaminated with interfering agents (such as EDTA, salts, etc.)
- incorrect primer-template combination
- incorrect or inaccurate reference sequence (if provided)
- incorrect or inaccurate vector information
If reactions fail due to our error, we will re-run them at no charge to you.
If requested, we will re-run failed reactions attributed to customer samples at the standard applicable rate.